ECTS Catalogue


Field of study/Speciality Cycle of studies
full-time part-time
Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art - erasmus exchange (en) wymiana zagraniczna
Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art / Conservation and Restoration of Painting long-cycle study
Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art / Conservation and Restoration of Sculpture long-cycle study
Fine Arts Education second-cycle studyfirst-cycle study
Graphic Arts long-cycle study
Industrial Design long-cycle studysecond-cycle studyfirst-cycle study
Interior Design second-cycle studyfirst-cycle study second-cycle studyfirst-cycle study
Intermedia second-cycle studyfirst-cycle study
Painting long-cycle study
Painting - erasmus exchange (en) wymiana zagraniczna
Sculpture long-cycle study
Stage Design long-cycle study
Stage Design - erasmus exchange (en) wymiana zagraniczna